
Sergio Piras is a singer-songwriter and performer, with an intense live music activity's background.
Provided of a warm and scratched voice. His musical journey started from a fusion of blues and gipsy music, but it embraces other styles, like reggae, ska, rock, and midwest timbres. A continuous musical and stylistic research made his cultural baggage and gave him chance to learn and work on different vocal techniques.
Passion and sensitivity are perfectly merged through his rhythmical competence, able to create a really intense emotional power.
These peculiarities gave a national and international fame to the Tamurita's project.
Sergio finds his greatest expression as a singer-songwriter in the unplugged music.
His artistic career starts with this stylistic expression. It's a fundamental part of his music, like a personal real "mantra".

All his needs made a new project: “MOSES ACOUSTIC PROJECT”.

The main objective is to personally re-arrange classic international pieces: Jhonny Cash, Jeff Buckley, Tracy Chapman etc..., but also latin singer-songwriters like Silvio Rodriguez (special gipsy style elaboration of one of his most famous piece "La Maza"). A great itinerary, from blues to latin music.
The repertory includes Tamurita's pieces, in a special acoustic key.

"A special musical language,
able to differently talk to the audience,
more direct and deep"

This project was born with the intent to play with artists of various different musical extractions, like Beppe Dettori (voice and guitar), Rossella Camellini (violin) and Luca Casu (acoustic guitar and chorus).


via Stefano Cagna,3 – 09126 Cagliari – 347 6883073 / 388 1722283 – info[at]